Retirees have Stories to tell.
Whenever retirees get together, the conversation usually gets around to sharing some stories about a major event or a specific PGE facility: Columbus Day Storm, Floods of 96, Trojan, Clackamas Hydros, Starlight Parade, old headquarters building, etc. These are a part of history that doesn’t get stored in a museum, doesn’t get passed on to the next generation of employees at PGE, never gets written down; these verbal stories are often lost as we and our memories fade away.
This section of the website is a place for retirees to tell their stories in writing, with pictures too if possible, so that our memories and stories can be read by others who may be interested to learn about areas and events of the PGE company they never knew.
Tell Us Your Story
If you would like to share a story with other retirees, we would love to help you.
Send an email to the the subject line I HAVE A STORY TO TELL and someone from the communications committee will contact you to listen and help publish the story on this website.
2024 Annual PGE Retirees, Alumni, and Friends Picnic
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
PGE Meter Reader Picnic 8/7/2024
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
2024 Annual PGE Board Retreat
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
How we met our Italian cousins submitted by Jay Tinker June 2024
In 2007, we (myself, my wife Kristin and her parents, fellow retirees Mike and Patti Lama) traveled to Italy for the first time. Like most first-time visitors we wanted to see the ancient sites in Rome, the artistic bounty of Florence and the canals in Venice. But we also had a modest plan to
PGE Past-Timer History
PGE Pastimer History PGE PASTIMERS by Terry Judkins: PGE Pastimers was a group of PGE employees with their spouses who got together mainly to go to dances together. Big Band dance music was really popular at that time. Employees and their spouses would just get together around two times a year and enjoy
2023 Annual Holiday Luncheon
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
Retiree Golf at Quail Valley Golf Club September 11 2023
PGE retirees have many stories to tell. Some are past history and some are current. There are work, fun, adventure, volunteering stories, and some not described here. These are some stories and pictures already submitted by our members (send more stories please).
2023 PGE Retiree Picnic
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
2022 Annual Holiday Luncheon
PGE retirees have worked through major disasters, whether floods, fires, quakes, wind and of course ICE. These events affected generation, transmission, distribution, or customer operations.
Retiree Golf at Quail Valley Golf Club September 12 2022
PGE retirees have many stories to tell. Some are past history and some are current. There are work, fun, adventure, volunteering stories, and some not described here. These are some stories and pictures already submitted by our members (send more stories please).
Annual PGE Retiree Picnic August 24th 2022
PGE retirees have many stories to tell. Some are past history and some are current. There are work, fun, adventure, volunteering stories, and some not described here. These are some stories and pictures already submitted by our members (send more stories please).
Integrated Operations Center Tour May 19, 2022
PGE retirees have many stories to tell. Some are past history and some are current. There are work, fun, adventure, volunteering stories, and some not described here. These are some stories and pictures already submitted by our members (send more stories please).