RETIREE NEWSLETTER Jan/Feb 2020 (from PGE Corporate)
Read this full article and others (download the PDF)
Stay connected, by Judy Francis
Changes here, changes there, changes everywhere. Sydney Harris, an American journalist, once said, “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; that what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” Well. No amount of effort will take us back to the way things were. Therefore, your PGE Retirees Inc. 501(c)4 organization has decided to embrace the change and become a self-managed and self-reliant membership group in 2020. PGE has agreed to fully fund our request for financial help to help us in this transformation.
This means that PGE Retirees Inc. needs to transform from a past where PGE did a lot of things for us to a modern “membership” association where we decide to JOIN/OPT IN to stay connected with activities and issues facing retirees. More of us will need to step up and take on more work than we have in the past as we create, build and manage a new membership database, a new email management system, a new newsletter, a new website, a new …