Old Market Pub Meet-Up Group
This Group of PGE Retirees is about 12-20 people who have expressed an interest in getting together at a local coffee shop on the west side of the Portland Area. Events are organized by volunteers of one or more GROUP LEADERS. To be part of this group or help organize events, send email to PGERetirees@gmail.com
Leader of Old Market Pub Meet Up is Barb Schwartz.
Annual Photo Galleries
Photo Gallery 2025
Photo Gallery 2024
From left clockwise, Mike & Barb Schwartz, Terry Clelen, Carolyn Kerr, Dave Starr, Inge Winters, Lorraine Bushek, Nancy Williams, MinhHang Tran, Dwaine Wisthoff, Thad MacMillan, John Clelen, Bill Valach, Greg Rife, and Jerry & Evelyn Todd.
From right corner clockwise: Barb Schwartz, Mike Anderson, Mike Lama, Arya Behbehani, John Zimmerman, Dave Starr, Molly Zimmerman, Carolyn Kerr, Patti Lama, Bill Valach, Jay Tinker, and Mike Schwartz.
From left clockwise Carol Drummond Maresh, Carolyn Kerr, Mike Anderson, Mike Schwartz, MinhHang Tran, Lorraine Bushek, Barb Schwartz Patti & Mike Lama, and Thad MacMillan.
From left clockwise: Thad MacMillan, Mike & Patti Lama, Julie Wandell, Barb & Mike Schwartz, Roger and Holly Gibson, Dave Starr, Mike Anderson, MinhHang Tran, Carolyn Kerr, and Deb Schallert.
What a great turnout for the June Old Market Pub luncheon! We had a first time attendee and a few who haven't attended in a while attend. Great to see them again! From bottom left: Vicky & Walt Allias, Bill Valach, Mike Schwartz, Julie Valach (first time attendee) Barb Schwartz, John & Sharon Carter, Mike & Patti Lama, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Carolyn Kerr, Terry Clelen, Charlie Allcock and Carol Drummond Maresh.
we had 2 first time attendees! Clockwise from bottom left: Carole Watkins (1st time), MinhHang Tran, Thad MacMillan, Patti & Mike Lama, Dave Starr, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Lorraine Bushek, Norm Dyer (1st time) and Barb & Mike Schwartz.
From left clockwise: Thad MacMillan, Roger Gibson, Barb & Mike Schwartz, Patti& Mike Lama, Dave Starr, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Arya Behbehani, Julie Wandell, Mike Anderson and Carolyn Kerr.
Clockwise: Holly Redfern, Barb & Mike Schwartz, Thad MacMillan, Roger Gibson, Nancy Lowenthal Williams, Arya Behbehani, Julie Wandell, Rena Snyder, and Carolyn Kerr.
Another great turnout this Valentine's Day! And another first time attendee! From left clockwise Thad MacMillan, Mike & Barb Schwartz, Patti & Mike Lama, first time attendee Dore Judd, Marcia Romito, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Holly & Roger Gibson, Carol Drummond Maresh and Duncan Howatt.
Photo Gallery 2023 and Earlier
From left, Mike & Barb Schwartz, Julie Wandell, Patti Lama, MinhHang Tran, Lorraine Bushek, Mike Lama, Mike Anderson, Carolyn Kerr and Dwaine Wisthoff.
It was a small but great turnout for the OMP gathering on May 10. Quite a bit of discussion about travel. We had a visitor drop in on our luncheon so we invited him to join us. Pictured from left MinhHang Tran , visitor Ben Efran, Deb Schallert, Gary Young, and Mike & Barb Schwartz.
From left, Greg Rife, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Barb Schwartz, MinhHang Tran, Mike Schwartz, Bill Valach, newcomers Molly & John Zimmerman (welcome John & Molly!) Lorraine Bushek, Dwaine Wisthoff, Roger Gibson, Patti & Mike Lama, Jay Tinker, and Gary Young.
Carolyn Kerr, Rena Snyder, Patti & Mike Lama, Barb & Mike Schwartz, Lorraine Bushek, Evelyn & Jerry Todd, Greg Rife, and Duncan Howatt.
From left: Evelyn & Jerry Todd, Dwaine Wisthoff, Barb & Mike Schwartz, Mike Lama, Duncan Howatt, Jay Tinker, Patti Lama, Terry Clelen, Roger & Holly Gibson, Carolyn Kerr, Carol Maresh and MinhHang Tran.
December Old Market Pub luncheon! From back: Mike & Barb Schwartz, Jay Tinker, Jerry & Evelyn Todd, Bill Valach , Bob Tamlyn, Greg Rife, Julie Wandell, Roger Gibson, Carol Maresh, Mike & Patti Lama, Dave Levee. Front: Arya Behbehani, Dede Morrison, Gina Kent, Kim McMurtry Cornilles. Kneeling: Dwaine Wisthoff, MinhHang Tran.
We collected 35 toys that we took to Research Financial Planning, a drop off location for KGW's toy drive. Thank you for all who donated!
Pictured are Roger Gibson, Tim Wandell, Holly Gibson, Julie Wandell, Greg Rife, MinhHang Tran, Mike Schwartz, Mike Anderson, Duncan Howatt, Mike Lama, Jerry Todd, Bill Valach, Linda Read. Deb Schallert, Carolyn Kerr, Inge Winters, Barb Schwartz, Patti Lama, Evelyn Todd, and Alan Read.
From left Cherie Hull, Gary Young, Arleen Barnett, John and Terry Clelen, Mike and Barb Schwartz, Gina Kent, Linda and Alan Read, Kathy Davies, Roger Gibson, Sharon Noell, and Patti and Mike Lama.
OMP Meetup at Olive Garden 5-11-2022
Pictured left to right: Nancy Williams, Mike Schwartz, Holly Gibson, Roger Gibson, Linda Read, Alan Read, Julie Wandell, MinhHang Tran, Cherie Hull, Carol Brown, Barb Schwartz.
Pictured L - R: Mike Schwartz, Barb Schwarz, Duncan Howatt, MinhHang Tran, Cherrie Hull, Julie Wandell, and Arya Behbehani
Pictured Left to Right - Cherie Hull - Mike Anderson- Mike Schwartz - Dede Morrison -Gina Kent - Terry Clelen - Deb Schallert - Patti Lama - Mike Lama - Carol Maresh - Kathie Davies - Greg Rife - Barb Schwarz - MinhHang Tran - (sitting) Sharon Noelle- Bill Valach - Rena Snyder - Holly Redfern.
L-R - Duncan Howatt, Mike Schwartz, Greg Rife, Cherie Hall, Carol Maresh, Barb Schwartz, Inge Winters & Diane Bricker.